Columbarium Prayer Service

On February 28 special services were held.  The names of more than 80 departed were read as each of the Saints remains were placed in their interim resting place in the Lord's altar.

A Sacred Time of Prayer

February 28, 2021

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.

Psalm 116:15

The columbarium is changing locations on the Redeemer campus.  The columbarium has been disassembled and carefully stored.  It will be reassembled on the east side of the sanctuary, adjacent to the prayer garden, as we conclude construction. During this interim period we will relocate our loved ones’ remains to a secure, temporary location in the chapel.

On February 28 special services were held.  The names of more than 80 departed were read as each of the Saints remains were placed in their interim resting place in the Lord’s altar. The chapel altar has spaces for each of the saints’ remains and the chapel will be accessible for families of loved ones to visit in a contemplative, reverent space.  At the conclusion of the project we will transfer the remains of our loved ones to the new Columbarium with another day of remembrance for the families.