
Good Stewards of His Gifts

A Stewardship Update

Last Updated Mar 21, 2022

Psalm 145:4 – One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.

It is not too late to participate in this journey we call Sacred Space.  We are in the midst of a considerable undertaking.   Redeemer generations that came before us struggled to start a new church during the Great Depression.  They bought land and built their first chapel in the shadow of World War II.  Just a dozen years ago we expanded our Sacred Space during the Great Recession.  And now we have another challenge.

If you are considering giving, you may be asking 1.) how much should I give, and 2.) how should I give?  Read on.

Philippians 4:14 – I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

How Much Should I Give?

Every one of us has commitments that we make in our lives. To commit means that we are promising to undertake and stick with a particular course of action. We make a commitment when we enter into marriage, have children, form friendships, or embark on a career, to name a few. The ways we commit can take the form of time, energy, or money invested in those items we hold as a priority in our lives.

Joining a congregation is a commitment to not only hold to the beliefs set forth by the church, but also to address the physical obligations of our church home in order to make sure that we can continue to grow in our mission.

As you reflect upon what kind of commitment you may want to make to this capital campaign, consider the following:

  1. Pray for guidance in reaching a financial decision that will be right for you and for the church.
  2. Allow faith to become part of your decision. Look to God for guidance and He will help you with the decision you need to make.
  3. Consider sacrifice as a way to set apart a portion of what you have and to give something you personally value, as a way of expressing your love for God and Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.

Matthew 6:21 – For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

How Should I Give?

  1. Give Online:  On Redeemer’s donation page you can give electronically.  This can be a one-time gift or a recurring gift, for any amount, starting on whatever date you specify.  This can be done via checking or savings accounts, or via credit card.  To do so, you set up a simple profile the first time by selecting the Create Profile button on the donation page.  
  2. Give During the Weekly Service:  When attending church, you may give your donation during the offering time.  If you choose to use an offering envelope in the pews, please write your name, address and Sacred Space clearly on the front of the envelope.  
  3. Give by Mail:  Especially during the pandemic, you can always mail your donation in an envelope to the church office (1800 W Maple Rd, Birmingham MI 48009), c/o Laura Jones.  
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