Heavy rains the weekend of June 18-20 were followed by another powerful series of summer storms June 25 and 26. Nearly 5″ of rain fell the second weekend, from Friday into Saturday morning. Fortunately the first large section of foundation wall (west side) had already been poured. But the heavy rains have impacted the schedule in two ways.
First, there are days when safe work conditions demand that work stop. During this stage of construction, with workers high on potentially slippery wooden walkways, there are no acceptable work conditions. Fortunately we have only missed two days so far this month. Long hours on other days has made up some of this time. Second, the very wet second half of June has saturated the construction site. This causes the excavated walls to slump, bringing sandy soils down to the footings and base of the foundation walls. So even on a dry sunny day, time must be spent re-excavating and cleaning the concrete footings.
Bottom line, we were slightly ahead of schedule in mid June, so with some good luck from the meteorologists, we should still be in good shape schedule-wise at the end of June.
A temporary dewatering device (sump pump) has been installed on the basement floor so that hoses can pump water out of the excavation site as needed. Also, protective crushed (1″-3″) concrete was added around the soil banks just above the footings and walls that are yet to be completed.