What’s New This Week? 07-01-21 to 07-15-21

What's Happening July 1 - 15, 2021?

Foundation Walls Completed

The following work is scheduled for 07-01-21 to 07-15-21:

Significant rain fall the last two weekends in June presented a challenge to the crew installing the lower level foundation walls.  The majority of that work will be completed the first few days of July.  The last section of foundation wall (the northeast corner, near the office wing) will not be completed until the heavy equipment ramp is no longer needed to access the lower level.

Starting after the holiday weekend (no work on Monday, July 5) several crews will be working in parallel:

  • A contractor will install waterproof board around the outside of the foundation walls, down to the footings.  This will allow us to partially backfill around the foundation.  (Final backfill will occur once the steel columns and precast planks are installed that comprise the sanctuary floor.)
  • A contractor will install masonry block in the lower level.  Perhaps the most visible wall will run from east to west across the entire width of the south end (narthex) of the new sanctuary.  A stairwall in the southwest corner will also be installed.
  • A contractor will install the lower level drainage system (sump pump basin and interior drain pipes) that will eventually connect to the exterior drainage system and storm sewer line.
  • A contractor will install any rough electrical (conduit and boxes) that is best completed before the lower level is finished.
  • Weather and schedule permitting, after the underground systems are installed, gravel will be spread across the lower level in anticipation of future concrete flat work.


Footings and Foundation Walls

  • Complete wall pours along south and east elevations.
  • Note: an access opening will remain on the east wall, near the existing office wing, until all underground work is completed.
  • Pour remaining footings in the interior.

Waterproofing and Backfill

  • Install waterproof board on the exterior of the newly poured foundation walls.
  • Complete partial backfill after waterproofing (final backfill will occur after plank floor is installed.)

Masonry Block Walls

  • Construct lower level masonry block wall and stairwell on the south end (narthex).

Underground Plumbing / Drainage

  • Install drainage system throughout lower level.
  • Install fiberglass sump pump reservoir on the west side of the site.
  • Connect and test all drainage systems.

Undergournd Electrical

  • Install necessary lower level electrical conduit before lower level floor completed.

Lower Level Floor

  • Spread gravel over lower level floor in anticipation of future (concrete) flat work.

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