What’s New This Week? 08-01-22 to 08-15-22

What's Happening August 1 - 15, 2022?

Pipe Organ, Signage, Columbarium, Prayer Garden

Significant progress was made over the past two weeks installing the new Casavant organ.  Most noticeable was the installation of the thirty visible facade pipes that line the chancel walls on either side of the altar and cross.  The week of August 8 the plan is to begin voicing the new instrument.

Equally noticeable is the substantial completion of the relocated columbariuim.  Only a few items remain to be completed, including flowers, the flagpole, memorial benches and new sidewalk lamp posts.  An afternoon service for families of those with loved ones in the columbarium is tentatively slated for October 2, 2022.  In addition to work on the new columbarium, the Prayer Garden (next to the columbarium) has received a thorough update.  Having been trapped inside the construction fence, the beautiful plantings have received a much needed weeding, trimming and mulching.

At the end of July the installation of new interior signs began.  This includes both “directory” signs, “room ID” signs and “you are here” maps.  All the signs match the same design aesthetic implemented after Sacred Space phase I.  In addition, in the town square, larger stenciled signs clearly mark the way to the sanctuary (noting ramp access), church office and nursery.  Finally, the historical Redeemer photo boards will be reinstalled in the lower level corridors.

Elsewhere most of the remaining work involves “punch list” activity both inside and outside the new sanctuary.  Examples include front porch handrails, various coat racks, work on the existing chapel facade, door muntins (glass dividers), music wing cleanup, etc.

180 “flex” chairs arrived at the end of July.  These comfortable, light weight chairs will be used for additional seating, beyond the new pews, when additional seating is required.  The chairs stack on eight heavy duty dollies that will be stored in a new chair storage room just off the side of the new sanctuary.

Work Remaining for August 1 – 15, 2022

Complete Casavant Organ Installation; Begin Voicing

Complete all Interior Punch List Work

Complete Finish Carpentry Work in Tandem with Painters

  • Communion rail, chancel step handrails, front porch handrails
  • Reredos and dossal curtain
  • Chapel cupola repairs and porch column replacement

Complete Finish Electrical Work Inside and Outside Sanctuary

  • Install new driveway lamp posts and exterior power posts

Complete Relocation Work for New Columbarium

  • Return benches and flagpole; flower beds

Complete Implementation of Landscape Plan

  • Complete adjustments to the irrigation system zones and timing


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