Foundations for Front Porch, Columns Poured

Foundation for Front Porch Poured

Will Support Porch Canopy and Colonial Columns

The new front porch (see rendering below) will greet Redeemer members and visitors as they enter the church from the circle drive.  The two story porch is framed by four large, white colonial columns that support the canopy above.  The foundation for this porch is steel reinforced concrete.  This week, the foundations were measured, excavated, filled with steel rebar and poured with concrete.  Anchor bolts were installed in the concrete that will connect to steel beams that sit inside the two outside colonial columns.

The porch foundations are to be poured before the south (front) wall is built.

The foundations are excavated from the newly compacted sand.

A steel rebar lattice is placed along the bottom of the excavation.

Concrete, in this application, is poured directly from the truck.

The opening for the new front doors is visible in the foreground.

The freshly poured concrete shows the outline of the new porch.

Steel rebar protrudes from the wet concrete.  Anchor bolts will be placed for the columns.

The thicker, wider sections will support the four large columns.

The exact location for the foundation was measured first (foreground).