What’s New This Week? 06-16-21 to 06-30-21

What's Happening June 16 - 30, 2021?

Foundation Walls Ready to Pour

The following work is scheduled for 06-16-21 to 06-30-21:

The second half of June will see more visible progress as reinforced concrete walls will rise from the excavated work site.  A carefully planned drainage system connected to sump pumps will also be installed during this time.

The excavation activity that took place during the first half of June is nearly complete.  Only a small area in the northeast corner of the site, the location of a new stairwell, remains to be excavated.  (This stairwell will go from the lower level fellowship hall up to grade level outside the east side of the sanctuary.)   The excavation team will also continue to load and remove any excess soils that will not be needed for backfill after the new foundation walls have cured and been waterproofed.

The foundation team throughout early June has been installing concrete pads that support carefully placed column anchor bolts, and more recently, pouring a steel reinforced footing that will support the poured walls around the building perimeter. 

  • All the lower level pads (18) and bolts (18 x 4 per pad) are now installed.  The bolts are in their square, final position.  The final step is to bring the 18 square steel plates that hold the four bolts to the precise height specified.
  • Most of the steel reinforced footings that will support the poured walls have been installed.  The area around the new stairwell remains to be completed.  This process involved trenching in the locations identified by the surveyor, laying down a steel lattice, pouring the concrete, vibrating and leveling the concrete and installing steel “L” bars that hook to the lattice and protrude up into the soon to be poured walls.

The same foundation team will build forms and steel reinforcements that form the wall “mold” into which concrete will be poured.  Truck after truck will haul loads of cement to the same pumping truck that was used to pour the foundations and pads.  The team will work there way around the perimeter foundation, building forms and pouring as they go.  Engineers on site test the concrete at each step in the process (pads, footings and foundation walls) to assure that necessary quality specifications are met.

The shape of the top of these foundation walls is particularly complex.  First, so that the walls can support the necessary steel, flooring and above-grade masonry.  And second, to accommodate the gently sloping floor that is part of the new sanctuary design.  

After the walls are installed (while we wait for the walls to cure and be waterproofed) the underground drainage system will be installed.  This work will also take place in the second half of June.  This involves installing a carefully designed system of drainage tiles and pipes that feed into two large sump pumps that will be installed below the basement floor on the west side of the new lower level.


  • Complete excavation of stairwell in northeast corner of lower level.
  • Continue to load and remove excess soils from the site.
  • Maintain truck access via ramp while completing lower level stairwell.

Foundations and Walls

  • Complete footings in northeast corner of lower level (stairwell.)
  • Build and install forms for lower level walls around perimeter of site (west, south, east.)
  • Pour steel reinforced walls, in sections, around perimeter.
  • Measure and notch walls to receive steel and planks necessary for sloped sanctuary floor.

Underground Plumbing / Drainage

  • Install drainage system throughout lower level.
  • Install fiberglass sump pump reservoir on the west side of the site.
  • Connect and test all drainage systems.

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