Construction Fence Down; Landscaping Proceeds

Construction Fence Removal Marks Symbolic Milestone

Most trees, shrubs and plants now installed

On Friday, July 1, 2022, the perimeter construction fence was removed.  While there is still work to be done, this event marks a symbolic milestone as we work to complete the few remaining project tasks.  Combined with the initial implementation of the landscape plan, we can once again put forth a more attractive appearance for our immediate neighbors and the community at-large.

The last few days has seen more progress on the landscaping plan as the planting of all major trees, shrubs and ground plantings has been accomplished.  Stone and mulch has also been laid.  Work on the new irrigation system is happening in parallel.  There is still paver integration work needed to tie-in the existing landscaping around the prayer garden and columbarium.  And of course the lawn itself will be sodded and seeded once the irrigation system is complete.