Side Projects Improve Accessibility, Safety

Accessibility and Waterproofing Projects Nearly Complete

Chapel Access Improved; Lower Level Rooms Waterproofed

At the same time work proceeds on the new sanctuary, other smaller, but no less important projects are occuring.  The recurring thread that connects these “side” projects is our committment to improve the safety and accessibility of the existing Redeemer building.  Two such projects were recently undertaken:

  1. The first project is occuring along the east wall of the chapel and the east driveway.  The impetus of the project is to improve accessibility to the chapel and at the same time waterproof the rooms immediately below the chapel.  This past week a new sidewalk was poured along the east wall of the chapel.  The sidewalk will provide convenient, barrier free access to the chapel for those that formely had to enter via the out-of-the-way Westmaple doors in the back of the building.  This new sidewalk is accessed from the east driveway via the existing curb-cut ramp that serves the youth room door.  New exterior door hardware will be added to the side chapel door.  At the same time, the downspouts that run along the east wall of the chapel were routed into underground piping that now drains directly into the gutter.  The downspouts have been a perennial problem leaving water along the building that eventually would work its way into the lower level classrooms and the youth rooms.  Landscaping around the new sidewalk and electrical equipment will take place this spring.
  2. This past summer one of the many hard rainstorms that hit our area caused the lower level bathroom floor drains to back up and flood the lower level classrooms, offices and youth room.  The damage to carpet, tile, drywall, furniture and supplies was substantial.  While insurance proceeds helped Redeemer deal with the (literal) mess, it was agreed we needed a more permanent fix to avoid a reoccurence.  While the storm that caused the problem was unusual, we decided to install two back flow prevention valves that keep storm and sewer water from backing up into the building when the municipal systems are temporarily overwhelmed.  These two valves were installed underneath the east stairwell just across from the chapel.  Installation of new drywall and matching carpet will complete the project, shortly.


Existing landscaping was removed and compacted sand is readied for new concrete sidewalks.  

The long sidewalk to the right is for walkers, wheel chairs and others that need barrier free access..

The area will be improved with new grass, hydrangea along the building, and plantings around the electrical boxes.

Large PVC pipes connect directly to the downspouts, run underground, and out into the gutter.

Concrete was saw cut, water pumped, and two valves installed below the lower level floor.

Gravel and concrete cover all but the maintenance hatches to the valves.  Drywall and carpet are to follow.