What’s New This Week? 03-01-22 to 03-15-22

What's Happening March 1 - 15, 2022?

Sanctuary Drywall Begins. Classrooms Painted.

Weather and schedules limited progress on the Redeemer exterior during the second half of February.  But work will continue in several important areas in March.

  • A major priority is completing the roof above the music wing expansion so that two new air handling units can be installed.   The framing is complete on the south side of the music wing expansion.  Plywood and shingles have been installed on the gabled section of the roof.  Roofers also installed a membrane on the flat section of the roof.  At the same time plumbers installed two roof drains to allow rain and melted snow to drain from the flat section of roof.  This means the new music wing expansion (and by extension, the sanctuary) is now watertight!
  • In March the HVAC team will be installing two new air handling units on the recently installed flat roof section.  A 40-ton crane will be used to carefully lift and position the two units in place.  The two units will rest on top of newly installed isolators that dampen vibration and sound.  The amount of fresh air these units push is determined by automated occupancy sensors that measure the air we all consume in the sanctuary!  A bigger crowd means more fresh air needs to be sent to the sanctuary.
  • All the new interior doors, more than 70 in total, are expected to ship to the site the first few days of March.  These doors will be hung and painted in place, beginning with the lower-level areas.
  • Also in March, exterior work will occur on both the east and west side of the sanctuary trenching storm drains, installing storm basins and connecting the entire storm water system.

The interior of the sanctuary and lower level has seen a great deal of activity.  Multiple teams have all been working side by side through the end of February.

  • A team of carpenters has completed the rough framing throughout the sanctuary, including the organ chamber, chancel, nave soffits and light cove, balcony and narthex.  Framing the curved, vaulted ceiling is also complete. 
  • This past week saw the carpentry team turn their attention to hanging drywall throughout the sanctuary.  Two layers of drywall were installed on the outside walls for improved organ acoustics.  Over the next few weeks, they will turn their attention to drywalling the ceilings.
  • The carpenters are also finished with the installation of drywall throughout the lower level.  Drywall, taping and mudding is nearly complete throughout.  Lower-level rooms have received primer paint and, in many cases, the final paint cover.  
  • The installation of tile in the lower-level bathrooms (bridal lounge, children’s rooms, public toilets) also began at the end of February.  This work will continue in March.
  • Fire suppression rough work continues in the sanctuary.  Pipes that run the length of the sanctuary are complete, as is the organ chamber, town square expansion, narthex and balcony.  Work will now shift to testing the connections (water pressure) throughout the sprinkling system.
  • Rough electrical work continues throughout the sanctuary.  Rough lighting fixtures are being installed in the ceiling of the chancel, nave ambulatories (side aisles), balcony and narthex.  Utility boxes are being installed for everything from ‘exit’ signs to fire alarms to network data boxes to light controls to audio visual connections to traditional switches.
  • Rough HVAC work continues in the sanctuary.  The HVAC duct work is nearly complete.  Air vents have been installed on both sides of the HVAC soffit.  In the lower level, substantial work has been completed in the main furnace room located just off the fellowship hall.

Complete Rough Framing in Sanctuary and Music Wing Expansion

  • Complete framing in narthex and balcony
  • Complete “barrel” ceiling in the sanctuary and balcony

Continue Electrical Work in Sanctuary

  • Continue electrical installations, primarily throughout sanctuary and narthex

Continue HVAC Work in Sanctuary and Lower Level

  • Install remaining ducts in narthex and wrap ducts with insulation, where appropriate
  • Complete installation of HVAC units in lower-level furnace room

Complete Roof Over Expanded Music Wing and Install Air Handling Units

  • Install isolators and air handling units on flat roof above music wing

Complete Installation of Fire Suppression Lines in Sanctuary

  • Install piping in remaining areas (balcony, narthex)
  • Test pipe connections and system pressure

Continue Installing Drywall Throughout All Sanctuary Areas

  • Install drywall on ceilings and all interior walls
  • Tape, mud and sand all drywall

Complete Finish Paint in Lower-Level Classrooms, Fellowship Hall, Resource Center

  • Complete touchup mud, sanding, primer in all rooms
  • Treat galvanized HVAC ducts prior to painting
  • Paint interior doors for lower level
  • Paint rooms in finish color

Continue Tile Installation in All Lower-level Bathrooms

Continue Installation of Storm Sewer Lines and Basins Around Exterior of Sanctuary

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