Installation of Casavant Organ to Begin July 12, 2022

Organ Complete in Montreal, Ready for Shipment

Installation Team Ready to Begin July 12, 2022

Our new Casavant organ has been built to our custom specifications.  David Wagner was instrumental in working with Simon Couture and his team at Casavant.  Our instrument is opus number 3944.  The organ construction is now complete and Casavant has done the necessary “pre-voicing” work before disassembling the organ parts, for packing and shipment to Birmingham.  The plan is to begin installing the organ at Redeemer on Tuesday, July 12.  The week prior, we will build a large temporary platform in the chancel to assist the team with the installation.  You will be able to watch this work on our interior construction cam.

Before Casavant started dissembling our new Casavant organ for shipment, they made a video so that everyone at Redeemer might see and hear the organ for the first time.  Our Casavant Project Director, Dany Wiseman, features tonal resources of the new instrument.  While the organ was only erected on a temporary basis in their assembly room, you can begin to get an understanding of the size and scope of the instrument.

The video is six minutes long.  You will hear different tonal resources as you move through the video, culminating in the last minute of the video.  You will see metal pipes and also wood pipes, more than 1,800 in total.  You will see the large white casements that hold the pipes that will be visible inside the sanctuary.  These casements will be installed on the chancel wall on either side of the dossal curtain and cross (the pipes look blue in the video, but that is only a protective plastic covering.)



Casavant Opus No. 3944, Prior to Shipment

A view of the working console.  The console case is not shown.

Console in the foreground, metal & wood pipes on the right, visible pipes on the left.

The organ console case, prior to application of paint and stain.