Sanctuary Ceiling, Fire Suppression and HVAC Ducts Top Priority

Sanctuary Ceiling Takes Shape

Multiple Teams Work in Concert to Finish Church Ceiling

The construction camera clearly shows a sanctuary ceiling.  But this drywall, installed just below the roof truss insulation, is only a fire layer.  The final, barrel shaped ceiling, has yet to be installed.  For the carpenters to complete the ceiling, other trades are working to complete important steps.  Namely, the installation of the sanctuary fire supression system, the installation of HVAC ducts and the installation of all power, data and audio visual conduits.

Framing of the ceiling is well underway.  A light cove that runs the length of the sanctuary, on both sides, has already been installed.  Soffits, below the light cove, and above the windows, are currently being framed.  These large soffits conceal the HVAC ducts that run from front to back.  With this work complete, the carpenters will install a curved ceiling (44′ radius) that disappears in to the light cove on each side of the sanctuary.

The final installation of the barrel ceiling requires other important steps to be completed:

  • A fire suppression system has been designed for the sanctuary and all new construction areas.  Seven fire sprinkling lines run from north to south, three over the center of the sanctuary and two each on the side aisles and soffits.  This work is well underway and is scheduled to be completed over the next few weeks.
  • HVAC duct work connects the furnace, A/C and air handling units to provide comfortable, uniform air flow throughout the sanctuary.  This work is well underway and is scheduled to be completed over the next few weeks.
  • Electrical conduit and network cabling is already installed throughout the sanctuary, but additional work remains, particularly work related to the new audio/visual systems that are being installed in the sanctuary.  In addition, an assistive hearing loop is being installed in the new sanctuary.

Large HVAC ducts run from the front chancel to the back balcony, on both side of the sanctuary.

The ducts originate and terminate in the northwest corner of the sanctuary, near air handling units and the new furnace.

Each large section of duct work is custom fabricated off site to fit the exact engineering requirements.

Cast iron fire suppression pipes of various sizes (1″ to 4″), fabricated off-site, await installation in the ceiling.

Black fire suppression pipes are visible on the sanctuary ceiling and inside the large side soffits.

Three fire suppression lines run down the center section of the sanctuary, between the large columns.

The final barrel ceiling will follow just above the curved trim frame seen at the top of the chancel wall.

The light cove, which looks like a large shelf, runs all the way to the back balcony, on both sides.

The HVAC soffit is being framed above the windows and around the recently installed ductwork.