A delayed spring left roadway frost law restrictions in place until April 8. These restrictions have now been lifted and heavier trucks can once again travel on Maple Road in front of Redeemer. This has allowed concrete work to resume around the exterior of the new church. The work has focused in two areas: the various porches and the relocated columbarium.
Outside each exterior door a frost-protected slab has been poured to avoid future heaving around the new doors. And for the front porch facing Maple Road, additional cement was poured around the frost slab to encompass the entire porch, including the four exterior porch columns. The porch will be accessible from an ADA compliant ramp, or from a single step from the sidewalk. The circle driveway will remain in its original location.
The footings for the relocated columbarium were poured last fall. But the concrete “flat” work that forms the base upon which the niches will be placed was completed after the frost law restrictions were removed. From the construction camera you can now see more clearly the outline of the new columbarium. The mason that disassembled the columbarium will begin the reassembly process later in April. New niches are being added to the columbarium along the east wall of the new sanctuary.