The following work is scheduled for 08-01-21 to 08-15-21:
A careful sequence of work in early August will have six different contractors hard at work to complete the major structures in the new lower level. The goal later in August will be to install concrete planks that will form the main floor of the new church. For that to happen, these things must happen first:
- At the end of July a large crane with a ~120′ reach moved steel columns and beams from the delivery truck to their final placement in the new lower level.
- The vertical columns, some more than 30′ tall, were attached to four anchor bolts that were previously set in concrete pads that rest below the basement floor. These vertical columns reach from the basement floor to the “roof” of the new sanctuary. The steel was set in place to form a line of colonial columns that will separate the church (nave) seating from the two side aisles (ambulatories.)
- The horizontal beams were installed to the vertical columns with anywhere from 6-10 bolts each. If you look closely on the construction cam, you will note these horizontal beams follow the slope of the new sanctuary floor.
- In early August, after final measurements and positioning take place, each of the bolted joints will be hand welded by iron workers on ladders throughout the lower level.
- Before the foundation walls are completed, and the lower level ramp is no longer accessible by heavy machinery, gravel will be laid throughout the basement floor. This gravel covers the drainage system, sanitary lines and electrical conduit. Once the foundation walls are complete, the same contractor that spread the gravel will return to pour the concrete basement floor.
- Before the basement concrete floor can be poured however, the foundation walls will be completed. The major section remaining is the “hole” in the east wall that allowed machinery to have ramp access to the basement. Also, a 2nd stairwell will be poured in the northeast corner, closest to the office wing. This work involves the same process as before — building wooden form walls around reinforced steel cages. A pumper truck will pour concrete into these forms. Once cured the forms are removed and finish work is performed on the walls (e.g. removing steel spacers that protrude from the wall and grouting any holes.)
- The waterproofing contractor has already installed a combination of waterproof board and drainage board around the lower portion of the foundation walls, down to the footings. This has allowed partial soil backfill (4′-5′) above the footings. This water proofing will be extended on the newly completed east wall section and stairwell.
If weather and schedules permit all this work to occur, the major activity in the second half of August will include the installation of precast concrete planks that will form the floor of the new church. These planks will rest on the recently installed steel beams and “ledges” that were formed on the inside of the poured foundation walls. These planks will then be covered with 2″ of poured concrete. Only after this work is completed can the final soil backfill occur around the foundation walls.